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The Grace Hopper Celebration brought top executives from Facebook, Google, and Microsoft to the stage for the ‘Male Allies Plenary Panel,’ where they were to talk about how high-powered male allies can advocate for women in tech. In the beginning of her article Hess mentions the Grace Hopper Celebration, a conference for women in computing. The Attitudes of Feminists Feminists Don’t Want Real Opportunity Not quite a presentation of Macomber’s work, not quite an original work of social or cultural commentary, Hess’s article does a spectacular job of illustrating the hypocritical attitudes of modern feminists. She draws heavily from a PhD dissertation by Kris Macomber, as well as a variety of other articles, to create a semi-coherent rant in which Macomber’s views and Hess’s own are indistinguishable. In her recent article “ Male Allies Are Important, Except When They’re the Worst,” Hess criticizes the way male feminists have tried to help women. Highlights include chastising Stephen Colbert for hiring writers based on his assessment of their talent, rather than affirmative action, and defending a woman who knowingly and repeatedly put the care of her son in the hands of the mentally unstable, murderously violent boyfriend who eventually killed the boy. Amanda Hess is the author of a prodigious number of feminist rants.

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